Sunday 7 August 2011

When I grow up I want to be.....

I had so many ideas and aspirations as a kid. All easily achievable: worlds first short slightly chubby ballerina, singer with 3 platinum albums, hollywood movie star, waitress (that dream was cut short when I dropped a croissant I was carrying out into the garden for my dad), firewoman (see picture below), archaeologist, doctor, historian, musician, and most recently a geneticist. 

Playing with fire at an early age. Also, check out the stunning
90's jumper my mum is sporting, I think it may have once been a 

Funnily enough none of those worked out too brilliantly for me and now my stream of ideas is running dry. How do you know what you want to be when you really grow up? The boyfriend is trying to convince me to be an author (like it's that easy) but so far my inner J.K. Rowling is staying hidden. I need some sort of job which doesn't involve much travelling to get there and possibly involves some combination of my best skillz: cooking/baking, knowing the lyrics to most songs, dancing like a fool, and reading super fast. So answers on a postcard/a comment if you have any ideas!

I think I would quite like to work with kids (it might help to deal with the massive brood I am experiencing at the moment - my womb twitches when i'm even near a child under the age of about 5!) but I have no idea in what field or how to get into it. I would also quite like to work in events, but again there doesn't seem to be an obvious way in. 

Anyway, enough rambling now, but if anyone has a place for a tea-drinking, lyric-reciting, cake-baking, silly-dancing, quick-reading, old-before-her-time 21 year old in the central Bristol area let me know!

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