Thursday 4 August 2011

Dreaming of sun, sea and mountains!

I don't know about you but when it's raining I can't stop dreaming of holidays. The alarm went off this morning and I thought it was still night, it was that dark outside. I had heard the rain falling all night and it still hadn't given up. So here I sit, dreaming of Spain!

Because I am not working at the moment there were many doubts about whether we would get a holiday this year, but thanks to a very generous family friend we had a holiday home sorted out! Add in cheap flights and public transport and you have yourself a bargain Spanish adventure! Sun, sea and sand it ain't....the last time I went it rained almost every day; however this was freak weather so we are hoping for some sun this time! It is right up in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada, a tiny little town, no other tourists, perfect! 

The view from our balcony in Montefrio!

Although most of our holiday will be spend relaxing in the town and walking in the local nature reserves there are a few day trips which I am very excited about planning! One will definitely be to Granada to visit the Alhambra. This 14th Century Moorish palace is one of the most magical places I have ever visited - beautiful architecture, stunning gardens, amazing views. I can't wait to show it to my boyfriend, the last time I visited was with my parents and I know that he is very excited to go. You can visit just the gardens and outer buildings or pay extra to go inside the palace. I believe it is well worth paying the extra - the stunning carvings and tiles inside are not to be missed. 

Patio de los Arrayanes in The Alhambra. An 
inner courtyard with pool.

Each room you enter is more beautiful than the last, you can't help but be overwhelmed by the age and grandeur of the palace. It has been 2 years since my last visit and I am itching to return!

I am hoping there will be some sun and sea, if not sand. The view below is taken from The Balcon de Europa - a precariously balanced panoramic restaurant and viewing point in Nerja, a seaside town along the coast from Malaga. 

The mountains and the coastline are dramatic and beautiful with tiny little sandy coves dotted along the coast. I can picture myself lazing on one of the aforementioned coves right now! (If I ever feel comfortable in a bikini and find one I like!). 

But for now the vision of me, lounging in a bikini sipping a cosmopolitan served by a half naked Spaniard* will have to wait. Back in rain soaked Bristol there is washing to be done and the supermarket calls. See you in 7 weeks Spain!

*Reality may be slightly less glamorous


  1. That looks so awesome ! lovely family friends for doing this :)

  2. Yeah, they are lovely! We are very lucky....only 6 weeks, can't wait!
