Wednesday 3 August 2011

First time for everything...

So this is my first foray in the weird and wonderful world of blogging and I thought I would just do a little introduction first off.
"Pink Moon" is the name of one of my favourite albums and songs, by Nick Drake. If you haven't listened to him I strongly suggest you check him out - he's amazing. 

Pink Moon Album Cover (from Wikipedia)

Expect lots more raving about music from me, its one of my biggest passions. I play the saxophone and clarinet and am rarely not listening to music. I'm always open to new suggestions too so leave me a comment about your favourite band and i'll see what I think! 

I am also passionate about cooking and baking, since leaving home I have become obsessed and am definitely the foody out of my friends! Luckily my boyfriend shares the same passion as me so we cook yummy food every day, it's a wonder that we're not huge by now! I particularly love baking cakes and on my list are Earl Grey Tea Cupcakes taken from a recipe by The Hummingbird Bakery, i'll do a post on that soon so you can see my efforts!

Finally i'm very interested in fashion, beauty and all things vintage and girly so expect some reviews and some gorgeous inspiration pictures! 

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